The Vivek Agnihotri directorial The Kashmir Files was released a while back to a tepid response with its opening day recording just Rs. 3.55 cr coming in. However, over its opening weekend, the film, which received positive reviews and strong audience feedback witnessed an increase in collections and ended its first weekend with a total of Rs. 27.15 cr. Interestingly, what followed the opening weekend was a meteoric rise in collections which has never been seen. In fact, the business of The Kashmir Files witnessed exponential growth in its first-week surprising trade, and far exceeding expectations. Now, the film, which hit screens on March 11, has completed 50 days of running in theatres.
Not surprisingly, The Kashmir Files which was hailed by the audience has continued to hold steady in theatres despite new releases hitting screens. In fact, even the runaway hit KGF – Chapter 2 which was expected to end the box office run that The Kashmir Files was enjoying, seems to not affect the business of the Vivek Agnihotri directorial. Currently still running in theatres, The Kashmir Files has been seeing a steady trickle of collections coming in each day.
Going forward, with this week seeing two new releases viz. Heropanti 2 and Runway 34 hitting screens The Kashmir Files is expected to see its business being affected. However, given the length of time, the film has been running in theatres, and the fact that it still finds patronage among the audience, the business of the film will continue to see collections build.
Also Read: Vivek Agnihotri’s The Kashmir Files to stream on ZEE5 from May 13
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