Bollywood actress Rani Mukerji has ruled on the hearts of the audience with her spectacular performances. In a career spanning over two decades, Rani has steadily moved up the ladder of success. On the occasion of her 44th birthday, the actress had announced her upcoming release, Mrs. Chatterjee Vs Norway. The film was wrapped a few months back, and a section of her fans have been eagerly waiting for it to release in theatres. Given this, here is the latest update! The release date of the film has been changed, once again! To make the official announcement of the same, the makers of the forthcoming film took to their verified social media handles and treated fans with a fresh still. Rani looks like a doting mother of the two kids in the image. Meanwhile, the caption of the post read, “On the auspicious occasion of Saraswati Puja, here's an exclusive still from #MrsChatterjeeVsNorway, now releasing on 17th March 2023. Get ready to witness a woman's resolve to fight against all odds & take on a country to protect her children at all costs. #RaniMukerji.” View this post on Instagram A post shared by Zee Studios (@zeestudiosofficial) For the unversed, Mrs. Chatterjee Vs Norway is inspired by a true story that rocked children and human rights at an international level. Throwing more light on the subject, an official statement from the makers stated, “The film recounts the story of an immigrant Indian mother’s battle against the Norwegian foster care system and local legal machinery to win back the custody of her children.” During the announcement of the film, Rani had said in a statement, “Mrs. Chatterjee vs Norway is a story of true human resilience and it is a film that is dedicated to all the mothers out there. It is truly one of the most amazing scripts that I have read in a long time and I immediately decided to do this special film.” Produced by Zee Studios and Monisha Advani, Madhu Bhojwani and Nikkhil Advani’s Emmay Entertainment, the movie is directed by Ashima Chibber of Mere Dad Ki Maruti fame. Also Read: Rani Mukerji-starrer Mrs Chatterjee Vs. Norway to release in cinemas on March 3, 2023
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