Shah Rukh Khan is currently riding high following the super success of his comeback film Pathaan. The actor spoke his heart out about the Siddharth Anand directed film which also stars Deepika Padukone and John Abraham in pivotal roles. As we are aware, SRK has returned on the big screen as the main lead after over four years and he had a low phases in terms of box office success before that. During this vanvaas (as said in Pathaan), Khan was seen at the balcony of his residence Mannat quite a few times to wave at his fans who would gather in thousands. During the success event of Pathaan, SRK opened up about his visits to the balcony of his bungalow. When the host told SRK that his fans have always loved him when he has given hits, the actor said, “Actually, they give me the same type of love even when my film doesn’t turn out to be a hit, to be honest. Elders from my family once told me that whenever you feel sad, go to those who give you love. If something doesn’t work or goes wrong, and we all will have things that go wrong in our lives; life is like that, it is meant to be like that. There will be good days and bad days.” He continued, “I was told, don’t go to the people you work with, don’t go to people who tell you how to do things better. Go to the people who shover love on you. I have been very lucky that there are millions and billions of people who give me love. So whenever I feel sad, I visit my balcony. When I am happy, I visit my balcony. God has been so kind to me that he has always given me a ticket of the balcony.” Interestingly, Khan’s balcony appearance scene was replicated in his film Fan on more than one occasion. Also Read: Pathaan Day 5 Overseas Box Office: Shah Rukh Khan starrer collects USD 5.3 million [Rs. 43.22 cr.] on Day 5; crosses the Rs. 200 cr. mark in the overseas
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